Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Maharaja (bottle) - 4.1

The Maharaja
Imperial India Pale Ale
Avery Brewing
Boulder, CO
ABV: 10.54%

Smells of burnt orange and... intensity. Tastes a tad sweet, like molasses, plus a burny taste similar to the aroma. Interesting approach, good complex brew.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 9/10 4/5 8/10 4/5 5/5 8/10

This is intense! It starts out with a huge hop burst with lemony and floral flavors coming through. There's almost a sweet raisin-type thing going on, trying to balance out those hops. Of course, at 10.54% ABV, there's a warm mellow alcohol taste and fairly warm finish with a nice bitter aftertaste.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
5/5 9/10 3/5 7/10 3/5 5/5 8/10

Raisins, you say? Here?! I must warn the others--oh no, I've been shot!! By a 10.54% beer, that is. I've heard of 3.2 beers, but this is ridiculous. Not a good idea for a productive night of band practice.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
5/5 8/10 4/5 8/10 2/5 5/5 8/10

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mirror Pond (bottle) - 3.2

Mirror Pond
American Pale Ale
Deschutes Brewery
Bend, OR
ABV: 5.0%

This beer is responsible for our amazing musical abilities. We drink it at almost every gig. We know it so well, we can even tell when the keg is brand new or nearly spent. That said, there's really nothing too special about it, besides the fact that it's not so hoppy that it tightens our throats. It may be the perfect gigging beer.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
3/5 6/10 4/5 6/10 3/5 3/5 6/10

I think that the most sensitive part of your mouth is that little spot right behind your front teeth, which I burned with a hot piece of pizza (gluten free!) right before I tried this beer. I can tell you that this ale smells mildly of bananas and tastes especially hopped for a pale ale, with a nice alcohol aftertaste. Cheers!

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
3/5 6/10 4/5 7/10 3/5 3/5 7/10

Having become accustomed to the draft version of this P.A., the bottled one did taste a little off... No banana flavor was detected though.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 7/10 4/5 5/10 2/5 3/5 7/10

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jackman's Pale Ale (bottle) - 3.8

Jackman's Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
Left Hand Brewing Co.
Longmont, CO
ABV: 5.2%

Hazy. Tastes mildly of bananas. Clean finish, very agreeable.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 7/10 3/5 8/10 4/5 3/5 7/10

Very crisp, smooth pale ale with a surprising body that doesn't weigh it down. Tart, bright and hoppy with a balanced finish.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 8/10 4/5 8/10 3/5 3/5 8/10

Jackman--as in Hugh? That's what comes to mind first when sampling this robust brew, although the resemblance to Wolverine is purely coincidental. Perhaps there are other similarities to the professional Aussie, but at the moment they escape me. The palate certainly gets a workout, which may or may not be a result of the Chinese food leftovers consumed 20 minutes earlier.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 9/10 5/5 8/10 3/5 3/5 8/10

Monday, September 1, 2008

Third Eye P.A. (bottle) - 2.9

Third Eye
India Pale Ale
Steamworks Brewing Co.
Durango, CO
ABV: 6.6%

Fizzy and mild, a hint of sweetness prevails. Enough hops, but not shining through. Still decent.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
3/5 7/10 3/5 7/10 3/5 4/5 6/10

Not very strong-flavored for an IPA. The hops are there and the alcohol content but it almost tastes watered down. There's definitely an odd aftertaste--almost metallic. Maybe it has something to do with the naked, floating green lady on the label...

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
3/5 6/10 3/5 7/10 3/5 4/5 6/10

Not terribly impressed, in case the rating weren't obvious enough... The naked lady on the box didn't really help bring up the rating either, sadly enough. A very zinc-y, mineral-y aftertaste.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
3/5 5/10 2/5 3/10 2/5 2/5 4/10