Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Maharaja (bottle) - 4.1

The Maharaja
Imperial India Pale Ale
Avery Brewing
Boulder, CO
ABV: 10.54%

Smells of burnt orange and... intensity. Tastes a tad sweet, like molasses, plus a burny taste similar to the aroma. Interesting approach, good complex brew.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 9/10 4/5 8/10 4/5 5/5 8/10

This is intense! It starts out with a huge hop burst with lemony and floral flavors coming through. There's almost a sweet raisin-type thing going on, trying to balance out those hops. Of course, at 10.54% ABV, there's a warm mellow alcohol taste and fairly warm finish with a nice bitter aftertaste.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
5/5 9/10 3/5 7/10 3/5 5/5 8/10

Raisins, you say? Here?! I must warn the others--oh no, I've been shot!! By a 10.54% beer, that is. I've heard of 3.2 beers, but this is ridiculous. Not a good idea for a productive night of band practice.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
5/5 8/10 4/5 8/10 2/5 5/5 8/10

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