Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Paulaner Oktoberfest-Märzen (bottle) - 3.7

Paulaner Oktoberfest-Märzen
Paulaner Salvator Thomasbraeu AG
München, Germany
ABV: 5.80%

This is some mapley, brown sugary goodness right here. Not overly sweet, just exhibiting all the good qualities of an Oktoberfest bier. Nutty and toasty.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
4/5 8/10 3/5 8/10 5/5 4/5 8/10

I don't have a whole lot to say about this beer. A great cool weather beer, hence the "Oktoberfest" I guess. Still crisp, but with layers of spice and cinnamon.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
3/5 6/10 3/5 7/10 4/5 4/5 8/10

Third time's the charm for the Paulaner nuts. Had this first on tap but it did not agree with me. The second time was bottled, and it started to become a tad more palatable. Now I seem to be enjoying it fully.

Appearance Aroma Palate Flavor Price Buzz Overall
5/5 7/10 3/5 8/10 3/5 4/5 7/10

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